Monday, May 24, 2010

Always Thankful

America, Isn't There A Better Way?

Today I would like to repeat a former thought which is buried in what could be percieved as a whining complaint. ( I would like to affirm that my opinions are not complaints, just observations on the basis of my knowledge and experience.)

The one thing that I wish people would know about me is that I wake every day with a thankful heart.
I am thankful for small favors and HUGE favors.
And if you have ever helped me in any way I want to thank you.
If you've hurt me and and feel sorry, or even if you never feel bad about it, I have forgiven you and I am thankful.
(I have made as many mistakes as anyone else in human history. I hope that others have forgiven me in the same way that I have forgiven them. And for that forgiveness, I am thankful)
If you've never met me, or if you just read my silly ramblings and wonder about me. I am thankful for you.

That we are allowed to question and debate the issues of equality and social justice in public is reason to be thankful.
I'm thankul for freedom of speech and the freedom to question what should be believed.

I am thankful for being a survivor,
*for random acts of kindness from strangers,
*for a few TRUE friends
*for being in the most beautiful spot on earth at the most wonderful time in my life.

AND for each day which wakes me with fresh chances to find new adventures and begin a new wonderful life all over again.

If my ramblings ever give you reason to doubt how thankful I am... Just read this over again... Because no matter how difficult life can get, no matter how defeated one might feel... One can always find a snippet of hope... AND thats enough to make me feel thankful, and happy to be alive.

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