Friday, May 14, 2010

The Trouble with Student Loans and Grants?

America, Isn't There A Better Way?

If the world suddenly turned "perfect" and everyone gained equal access and abilities, I imagine there would still be some complainers.
Because if our memories weren't erased , the wealthy and socialites would realise thier loss and the poor and under-educated would rejoice thier gains. Eventually someone would say "what's the difference, there is still plenty to complain about".
We haven't reached "Perfection" yet, though many of us make huge efforts to accomplish equality.

Elected officials have recently made some "huge efforts":
* to establish some form of health care support for "all Americans",
*to aid the under-paid in financial matters through stimulus plans and Banking regulation.
* to improve economy and job markets and help promote financial independence for all Americans.
*to insure that any American who desires an education can get one through student loans and grants.

That said....
Do you think there is a way to make these programs a little less complicated to access?

For example:
FAFSA offers grants to citizens who qualify for aid based on their minimum earnings claimed on income tax filings.
In the ideal circumastance students choose a University, college or trade school and begin thier program. Ideally the funds are sent to the school of choice to cover tuition, and expenses.

My Question: who keeps tabs on the schools when they dont follow or dont understand the rules of FAFSA and Sallie Mae? If the funds are sent to the "accredited" school and the school keeps the money but demands more money from the student (or denies the student access to the classes through lengthy appeals & extensive and confusing bureaucracies), where does the student go for help to clear up matters?
If the school confuses enrollment procedures to the point that the poverty stricken and uneducated cant navigate it (and then keeps the "piles of loan & grant money" )who checks up on that?
when the school causes more financial trouble for the student already poverty stricken, where does the student turn?

After all when a student signs for a student loan, and the school gets the loan money... the student is responsible for paying back the money whether or not they ever got the education. If the school complicates the system to the point that the student is not able to attend the classes, after the school has already recieved the money and keeps it, where does the student go for mediation? Where can a student get an appeal process started for investigating the schools ethical procedures.
I realise that i formerly mentioned a few other points. But during the course of this essay, I have become aware of the broadness of this subject and feel the need to point out my thankfulness for small favors.

I am thankful.
I truly am thankful for being a survivor, for random acts of kindness from strangers, for a few true friends and for each day which wakes me with fresh chances to find new advntures and begin life all over again.

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