Tuesday, December 8, 2009

TARP Money Suggestions:  America, Isn't There A Better Way?
I was recently asked:

What would you suggest should be done with leftover $200 billion TARP money?

Dear President Obama and Current Legislature:

Invest in America. Create a lottery for the best new inventions. The potential winners would  submit estimated production costs and ideas on manufacturing, A committee would review the submissions and grant the money to the best of the best for start-up and hiring employees. The grant money would have to be re-paid to the fund for future recipients.

Invest in scientific research for new ideas on safe fuels for transportation, agricultural production to feed the hungry and organized ways to save health care costs . The best of the best would get grants to hire help and build the companies for research and manufacturing purposes on the condition that the grant would be repaid for future recipients.

The panel of judges who decide who qualifies to get the grant would be business people who had a proven track record of sound judgement, honesty, impartial fairness and previous success.

This idea would put the focus back where it belongs... On America as a team with common purpose.

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