Monday, November 2, 2009

Public Option? Health Care Crisis.

America, Isn't There A Better Way?
It is easy for Joe Lieberman to say that we don’t need public healthcare. He has a regular paycheck, insurance and access to the best healthcare.
He also represents a state which prospers from the insurance premiums. According to news reports the majority of insurance firms are based in Connecticut, because of the lax laws they have concerning the liability of insurance companies.
Could it be that the insurance companies and medical corps have bribed the lawmakers out of giving the general public some much needed assistance???
In addition to the legislature having "us the taxpayers" bail out banks and car manufacturers, they have ignored the fact that we "the taxpayers" don’t have jobs, and the banks are still repossessing our homes even though we will be paying their debts through “higher taxes.”
How do the "lawmakers" propose that we afford to pay for day to day necessities much less health insurance?
This is just another example of what is reported everyday about
politicians, who take more than they need while they try to pass laws for rationing what is left of the necessities to the “rest of us”.
The legislatures seem to have no sense of morality, but never-the-less are entrusted to write the laws (to protect society) which they (the lawmakers) seem not to obey nor abide.

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